At the best price we offer

Welcome to Minar International Travels & Tours

Minar International Travels & Tours has been organizing Umarh & Hajj Tours longer than anyone else in the region. Top features and our extra client care together with an affordable price. Academic scholars and Imams ensure you are well prepared before Hajj and guide you through the Hajj Tour itself.

We are backed up by a team of licensed Tour Operators in Bangladesh been into business for years. Our excellent contracting with all major Hotels and Transport providers in Saudi Arabia guarantees us with multiple service options which cater to any specific requirement for our valued client planning an Umrah or Hajj.

License No : HL-1031

Our Best Packages

Hajj & Umrah

IATA Accredited travel agency # 42334714

এখন যেকোনো বয়সে হজ এবং উমরাহ করা যায় , বয়সের কোনো বাঁধা আর নাই
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